Everytime I deal with SAML it reminds me of the current state of electric vehicles. Like petrol cars all EV’s run on the same type of ‘fuel’, yet unlike petrol cars, there are a number of different plugs and charging methods. SAML as a standard feels just like this.
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Re:Invent 2019 was a huge week, and apart from the Influenza I caught on the flight back, a great experience.
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Windows 10 or: How I learned to switch from MacOS and keep my sanity.
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Over the years, I’ve occasionally worked on a project or have come across something that could be useful in the future or to others, The problem was that I didn’t have a personal wiki or a well thought out notes system.
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I recently attended the 2019 AWS Summit held in Sydney, that saw over 20,000 attendees across the 3 days. I’ve been along to the Sydney event twice before, and each year AWS just keeps on growing, continually adding to the event.
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I recently completed the Sysops Administrator exam which was refreshed late last year. Below are a couple of quick thoughts and study areas that should be focused on for the exam.
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Before my time, part of the AWS Infrastructure was built and put into production. Unfortunately as a PoC was rolled into Production without a roadmap, I inherited a number of security concerns.
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Part 2 of this guide goes over the finishing touches, including a GUI for the URL shortener & enabling https.
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One of our business’s had a need for a url shortener with both a front end & programmatic access for use in campaigns. We could have utilised a paid / hosted service, but it seemed like a great opportunity to create a serverless application in AWS by leveraging lambda.
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Sometimes either Route53 or Amazon Certificate Manager requires you to authorise a domain name. Below is a quick and easy you to do so by utilising SES and a S3 Bucket.
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